Bookseller father, son shot dead by robbers over resistance in Karachi

Bookseller father, son shot dead by robbers over resistance in Karachi

Two booksellers, an elderly father and son, were shot dead by armed robbers over resistance in the Korangi area of Karachi, police said on Thursday.
Bookseller father, son shot dead by robbers over resistance in Karachi


27 Sep 2023

SSP Korangi Tariq Nawaz said the victims, identified as Muhammad and Asad respectively, were sitting at their bookshop when three suspects came to loot the shop.

Upon showing resistance by elderly father, the robbers opened fire at both of them and fled, he added.

The father suffered a single bullet wound in the head, which proved fatal.

Suffering critical bullet injuries, the son was taken to the hospital where doctors pronounced him dead.

Nawaz added that the CCTV footage from the bookshop has been obtained and investigators are working to identify the killers.

The rampant street crimes have instilled fear and a sense of insecurity among the citizens as ruthless muggers have been freely roaming the city, looting people and killing them over the slightest hint of resistance.


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