Pakistani clerics issue fatwa against hoarding of dollars

Pakistani clerics issue fatwa against hoarding of dollars

The Central Ulema Council of Pakistan has issued a fatwa (religious) decree, declaring that hoarding dollars is a "grave sin".
Pakistani clerics issue fatwa against hoarding of dollars


27 Sep 2023

The Fatwa was issued after a meeting of the Chairman Central Scholars Council Pakistan, which met under leadership of Sahibzada Zahid Mahmood Qasmi.

Muftis of the Central Scholars Council, Mufti Muhammad Salim Nawaz, Mufti Manzoor Ahmed, Mufti Rabb Nawaz, and Mufti Muhammad Suleman, issued a unanimous fatwa after discussing the dollar issue.

The Darul Ifta of the Central Scholars Council Pakistan stated in its fatwa that Muslims, especially Pakistani citizens, should not resort to illegal means to earn forbidden profits but should promote lawful trade.


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