Astana Declaration calls for immediate ceasefire to protect civilians in Gaza

Astana Declaration calls for immediate ceasefire to protect civilians in Gaza

Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through peaceful means based on relevant UN resolutions and the two-state solution, Leaders of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) declare in Astana.
Astana Declaration calls for immediate ceasefire to protect civilians in Gaza



4 Nov 2023

Organization of Turkic States held in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana, called on all parties to the conflict to declare an “immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and to provide immediate and unhindered humanitarian aid throughout Gaza.” / Photo: AA

Leaders of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) have expressed concern over the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, and condemned all attacks targeting civilians in besieged Gaza.

A joint declaration on Friday adopted at the 10th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States held in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana, called on all parties to the conflict to declare an “immediate ceasefire to protect civilians and to provide immediate and unhindered humanitarian aid throughout Gaza.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be resolved through peaceful means based on relevant UN resolutions and the two-state solution, the Astana declaration said, adding a “guarantee mechanism” is required to ensure this.

The Israeli army has widened its air and ground attacks on Gaza, which has been under relentless airstrikes since the surprise offensive by Hamas on October 7.

Nearly 10,800 people have been killed in the conflict, including at least 9,227 Palestinians and more than 1,538 Israelis.


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