Miscarriages surge in southern Rafah under ‘brutal’ bombardment in Gaza

Miscarriages surge in southern Rafah under ‘brutal’ bombardment in Gaza

About 50,000 pregnant women in displacement camps in southern Rafah city suffer from a lack of food and medicine, threatening their unborn babies along with their own health, Al Jazeera reports.
Miscarriages surge in southern Rafah under ‘brutal’ bombardment in Gaza



22 Jan 2024

Dr Haider Abu Sunima, medical director of Tal Al-Sultan Hospital for Women and Obstetrics in Rafah, says there’s an increased number of miscarriages because of the difficult conditions amid the onslaught.

In the past few days, Gaza’s health ministry said it recorded hundreds of miscarriages and premature births as a result of “panic and forced flight under brutal bombardment in Gaza”.



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